Monday, October 29, 2012

Project Progress

Test #1:
The Sensor:
I figured that since I am attempting to monitor the growth of an object underwater, I would need to test my sensor to see if it wil detect motion underwater. I used my angry fighting  fish swimming wildly underwater to se if my motion sensor would pick the motion.
No response! BOO!!!!!!! This would mean I need to alter the sketch or motion senor to see if the any response
Test #2:
The Sensor:
I tried a different angle, reduce the rate of response to half the time and  isolate the fish tank in a area where there no disrubtion or extra movements that may alter my result.
Still no response. Grrr!!! The motion sensor does detect motion from people around the senosr and water movements but not the fish swimming. At this point I am clueless to why this is not working out the way I had hope so I am to going to reach out beyond school. I will post my issue on the Ardunio Forum and Michael Shlioh,(my robotics teacher from last semester). I will keep my blog posted with updates of my situtatin.

Currently :
My wave sheild arrived in the mail on Thursday. I am excited to soder the parts on to the board.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Project prototype

Ingredient's for salt crystals is ordered and waiting for delivery.
The wave shield is on its way as well.
Motion sensor is working well with ardunio.