Sunday, September 30, 2012

Final Project:

Need :
chrome alum
sodium thiosulfate

motion sensor
sound speaer
LED light

How is will work:
I will program the ardunio to detect motion which would be  the growth of my crsytals. The motion sensor will then produce sound and the light box underneath the jar of growing salt crystals will go off.,blinking lights to indicate the process of growth in progress. This attempt is beyond my experience and knowledge how to program an arduino. We will have to see.

Crystal type:
Considering this one  at this link.....


Readings (Due W, Week 6):

Abstract Machines”, Mitchell Whitelaw (hard copy reserve, available in the Library)

I am a fan of Yves Klien. I actually saw this Octofungi at an art exhibit in DC 2009. It wasn't moving but the sight of it does spark curiosity to how does this art piece made it into Klien's artistic mind because everything else in his exhibit was and indigo blue which his claimed to be his color...Its just fascinating stuff.

“Hardware”, Mitchell Whitelaw (hard copy reserve, available in the Library)

Science + Art = huh? The notion that you are experiment with science to produce an art response is beyond my understand. I understand creation is art in itself .. So, does this mean Dr.Frankenstein is an artist as well a mad Doctor and scientist? 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Exercise #3,
The Making of a Complex System.
Due M, Week 5:
 Organize into groups (2-3) and discuss the terms and ideas presented in the first three weeks. Try to understand what is needed to make complexity and emergence. As a group create 2-3 demonstrations of complex systems. Use yourselves as agents and/or think of creative ways to generate and document something that is a complex system. Post your process and approach as well as your experiment online on your blog.

Complex System: Complex Craft
I emailed all my friend and family to do an art experiement for me. I gave them 3 days and make sure they stop after 3 days.
Take the instructions and complete it then pass it on to the next person, Then take a picture and text it to Chi.
1.If you are a democrate, fold the paper vertically. If you are a republican fold the paper horizontally.
2.If you have a twitter account write "waste of time" on the center of the paper with a pen. If you do not have an account too "much time."in center.
3.Fold the paper in half again if you see a chair in front of you.
4.Fold the right corner to the opposite side of the paper on both side of the paper, if you are wearing glasses. If not,  fold the left corner.
5.If none of this apply to you crumble the paper in a ball and throw it at the person that gave you the directions.
6.Take a picture and text to to the number........(XXX)-XXX-XXXX

Experiment Data:
Currently still collecting data, Will be posted end of day.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Reading for Week #5
Complexity as ractice: A relection on Craetive  Out come on a Sustained Engagement with Complexity
By Tom Davis
"The ability to create a  system that exhibits perpetual novelty is an alluring one. There is also an obvious relationship between the world of complex systems and that of artificial intelligence (AI),
particularly within the  field of artificial life (A-life), with  its focus on studying life through  its simulation as an emergent structure  of a system."
The complex system of AI is breathes creation. Some artsists have the unique talent of seeing and crating things that is beyond the imagination of  another person. The ability to create comes from a series of porcesses that not even the artist know themselves.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Exercise #2, Due Wednesday, Week 3:

Look for some organic or quasi-organic material or living system that can be used as a substrate for the transmission of information and thus as some sort of cybernetic control system or organic “computer”. Research the material’s properties and brainstorm ways that it can be stimulated or perturbed so that it grows, moves or otherwise changes state. Experiment with the material and diagram a possible cybernetic system that could be built with it. Examples include: ferrofluid, copper sulfate, ants, bacteria, nematodes, slime mold, and more!

My system consists of rabbits, electricity , beaker of salt solvent solution, a thermometer , a fan, rabbit food, string for growing crystals, and weight sensitive device.

System Process:
The rabbit runs on the wheel that is connected to an power supply box which generated the power for the fan to turn on once the thermometer reach a certain high level of heat from the beaker. The solution should remain at very lower temperature  in order to grow. Once the crystal grows to the heavier weigh, the string give a signal to the weight sensor device to unlock the door that is in the rabbit cage and feed the rabbit to to gain more energy to run.

Finding meaning in this art system:
My rabbits are farming salt crystals. Its not about the rabbit or the system. Its focuses on the bacteria that is traps in the growth of the salt crystals.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 3
Reading Homework:

Emerald Arttcle:Don't give up! Media art as an endless conventional process
Graziele Lautenschaeger,Anja Pratsschke  

"We assume that the cybernetic way of seeing can guide our art production towards more

propositions along the above lines. Significant examples of artistic embodiments of

cybernetic ideas may be found in Pask’s and Ascott’s works. According to Pask (1971),

the production of aesthetically powerful environments requires the following qualities:

1)   the environment needs to offer enough variety to promote the “potentially
controllable novelty” by the subject;


2)    it must contain forms that the subject may interpret, or learn to play at various
                                                                           abstraction levels:


3)  it needs to provide clues or instructions implicitly declared to guide the learning
and abstractive processes; and

4)  it can additionally respond to the subject, involving it in a conversation and
adapting its characteristics to the dominant mode of discourse (Pask, 1971, p. 76)."

 I believe that when there is a strict guideline, it tends to constrict the art process. It creates a challenge to meet the standard and sometime the art maybe lost in the refinement of guidelines.



Week 2 :
Reading Homework:

Systems aesthetics + cyborg art: the legacy of Jack Burnham.
Penny, Simon
Sculpture (Washington, D.C.); January/February 1999, Vol. 18 Issue 1,
p36-41, 6p
Illustration ; Color

"Whereas video remained primarily an image medium, albeit technologized, cyber art is concerned with simulated behavior and the building of virtual machines as artworks. "Code" is the ephemeral structuring system of the work. Code is an enigmatic and paradoxical phenomenon: a text that is simultaneously a (virtual) machine is a long step from the pragmatic materiality of sculpture."
Code could hold more meaning that just the tool that machine use to operate. The code does hold a fundamental meaning of the series of numbers , letters and symbols.Some contemporary artist  have used as art pieces as the main focus of the art. Random numbers and letters. In other words, codes and data makes great art.