I am going to attempt to build a system that instead of filtering the water from the fish back to it pH level, it will maintain the seawater level through a series of processes.
First the filter plugged in to a tail switch that will be connected to the Arduino board , which is programmed to turn off when the pH level of the salt water is being filter to balance out.
Second, the wave shield from another Arduino with play a sound when the Ph meter is back to the correct level and the water filter pump to turn back on.
Third, the salt crystals at the bottom of the water will maintain the salt water levels.
(I am still doing some experiences on what type of crystals is appropriate for this art piece.)
Writing the sketch for the Ph meter to sent a message to the Arduino.
- Get a response for the Ardunio
- Writing the sketch for the wave shield to play a sound.
- Writing a sketch for the Arduino link to the filter to talk the Ardunio with the pH level when given a command.
- Getting the filter tray to filter the salt water.
- Getting the salt crystals to still grow during the process of filtering.
- The art piece is suppose to demonstrate a sense of complexity of maintaining the seawater level to produce grow of crystals with the disturbance of filtering fresh water.
- Assemble my wave shield
- Purchase and receive materials to begin with colonizing salt crystals
- Experiment growth speed of crystals
- Experiment motion senors that adapt with water.
- Write a sketch for my wave shield
- Search for a pH meter to hack.
- Begin hacking the pH meter.
- Find a filter that will leave in sodium in the water.
*Mapping for this project is still a work in progress.*